Thursday, March 22, 2012

I Remember When...The Seagulls had the greatest (and prettiest) uniforms in all of sportsdom

Remember the back-in-the-day Seattle Seahawk uniforms? The greatest sports uni ever? Huh? Do ya? From Steve Largent and Curt Warner to Brian Bozworth and Joey Galloway, the Seagulls were by far the classiest uniforms the NFL has ever produced and most likely the greatest uniforms ever in any sport, in any time, in any galaxy.

So, you may be asking yourself, "if those uni's were so great, why did they change them to the garbage pile pieces of crap that they wear today?" Great question. After more than ten years in the industrial waste blue that they are wearing, I can still not come up with even a half-assed answer. There is no defense for the change. Not then. Not now. Not ever. F@ck you, Seattle Seahawks management and especially, f@ck you to whosever idea it was to make the change.

There is plenty of precedent for the sacrifice of a great look in the NFL for trash. Just ask San Diego Charger fan (singular, as there aren't many) how they feel about the new (several decades old but still new) navy blue look versus the classic baby blue jerseys with the yellow lightening bolt and the player's number on the white helmet. No contest. And yet, the dull navy blue look survives. Best guess is the Chargers enjoy taunting their fans by lugging out the beautiful baby blues several times a year, causing nostalgia and joy (along with the required two jersey purchases by their fans) among the loyal few.

Fans in New England remember Pat the Patriot in much the same way. Bronco fans seem okay with the stupid high school looking garbage the Broncos now employ but this is most likely because the team won two Super Bowls in them after losing four in the far superior Orange Crush version. Ditto, the Vikings and Cardinals who traded class for modern high school looks.

The Tennessee Titans gave up not only a classic look after moving from Houston, but also dropped a classic name (the Oilers) for a generic one (the Titans). Their baby blue and red was sweet. The deeper sky blue with navy is lame. Add the Buffalo Bills to the list as well. Their OJ Simpson era blue jersey with red and white trimmed jerseys and white helmets with the stationary bison logo was rather ordinary but had class. The Jim Kelly era red helmets were a downgrade but the most recent change to navy blue was criminal.

So, it is clear that there have been plenty of bad changes, but have we seen any improvements? The current Bengals look is much better than their predecessors but could still be much better. The Lions and Eagles have tinkered by adding a variety of looks over the years without really improving or worsening. The Falcons switched from a red base to black but the change, much like the franchise, was hardly noticed. The Rams went from a blue and yellow look (why no white trim?) to a navy and gold that has pretty much split opinion down the middle, love it or hate it.

I am continuously thankful for the cornerstone franchises that refuse to screw with their own good fortune. Thank you Packers, Steelers, Brownies (they have messed around a bit but seem to always return to their classics), Cowboys (though they make me puke), Bears, Dolphins, Raiders, Chiefs and Saints. You guys are great. Don't change a thing. Please!

The only uniform change that I have seen in my three decades of couch sitting that I would say, without reservation was a brilliant improvement is the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Buccaneers terrible cream-sickle inspired orange and red-orange was bad. Their obviously gay pirate, with his whispy, flaming mustachio and his flaming orange fedora was far worse. The Bucs change was immediately rewarded by karma or the football gods with a Super Bowl championship and will therefore, hopefully, never be trifled with henceforth.

Tampa's change was really good but, if I wanted to go negative then I would say that it was simply a long overdue correction to a different kind of NFL trend, that being the even worse state of every expansion team since the team we started with, the Seattle Seagulls. Tampa, along with their state-mates, the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Carolina Panthers and the Houston Texans are all not simply horrific uniform and team color choices but also team names without the slighted hint of imagination or shame. Add in the aforementioned Titans and it is clear, the NFL has gotten too big and has made the unfortunate decision to throw all their imagination overboard to lighten the load.

Somewhere, the Seagulls classic Steve Largent era uniforms sit, untouched for over a decade. Those of us that loved those old Super Bowl-less years, yearn for their return. I will never stop hoping and I will never stop silently protesting their dismissal. Woe is me.


  1. Okay I gotta say I like the seagulls uni compared to alot of the league but I agree the largent era uni rules! A beautiful seagull on the sleeve with just enough green. Not sure why the change? Def a downgrade but still better then alot of the teams that have changed.

  2. Bring back the old bucs!!! Yay for the cream sickle!

  3. Patriots change is kinda stupid and the chargers just screw with their fans all year every year in many diff ways

  4. Damn kinda forget how cool the oilers uni was. And oilers vs titans, no contest. Oilers by far

  5. Oh and the freaking broncos uni is prob my pick for worst in the NFL

  6. Tampa Bay Creamsicle- Coolness Seahawks then- Hideous
    Seahawks Now- Tolerable Cowboys- My Stinking A-hole
    Fuck The Steelers Tom Brady- Kill Yourself
    Old Broncos- Horse Teeth Elway Ugly
    New Broncos- Agree, High Schoolish Oilers- Warren Moon
    Titans- The Tits Texans- Beef Curtains
    The Greatest Uniforms on the Planet- Da Bears

  7. Give me The Creamsickle all day. Possibly the prettiest uni's ever. Love the orange and Black in Cincy. Not too much you can do to make those tighter. The Lions ThrowBacks are sick. They could be a top three Uni Team if they always wore the throwbacks. My favorite throwback uniform is the Denver Broncos and the striped socks. Cue the hatred. They're Mezmorizing. I like the Seagulls of old much better than thier new but i still like thier new digs. No mention of the Ravens? Quietly i like thier all black chumpies.

  8. Damn this got me thinking back to my younger days when the patriots went to super bowl and got crushed by Da Bears. Pretty sure most teams change to get rid of the old stink. Seahawks sucked so bad then had a run so they changed to put that past stink behind them. There new uni is horrible and there old ones were even worse. Same with bills and patriots. Cinci new uni is much better. Bucs have upgraded. Titans is a gay name, Should be the Tennessee Oilers. Chargers I like because they really don't even have a particular uni they wear those throw backs like half the time it Seems

  9. I like Carolina colors and uni but coulda had a better name. Good change for rams. And onto the broncos, colors are ok and I could even deal with the uni if it wasn't for the damn logo. Logo stupid stupid stupid. Old orange crush uni was alot better. Falcons great change.

  10. You guys suck! Did u fags just quit or what?

  11. Such a pretty blue! Bring back all the old school uni's for good. They can do a throw forward uni like once or twice a year
