Thursday, March 15, 2012

Did Propecia Ever ALMOST Get You Laid?

Erectile Disfunction and Impotence have recently been linked to the Hair Loss Treatment, Propecia and bros everywhere are trying like hell to understand. Though the FDA has not even considered a recall on Propecia, that hasn't stopped all the vexatious litigants out there from trying to get some kind of compensation for their newly limp peckers. And I don't blame them.

This is probably the funniest story I have seen in quite some time. A bro is goin bald, right? He's seeing first hand that if you're just an average Goddy and your bald, it's tough to get some play, right? So he probably goes to some shitty wanna be doctor and pays like $90 just to hear them say he's goin bald, right? Then the bro probably pays another 90 stones for the pill that's going to give him his swag back, right? Ok now that we have that covered let's get to the real travesty in all of this...

So homeboy starts taking this pill for a couple weeks and is seeing a difference, his blowout looks a little fuller and he starts to get a little more confident with each passing day. He asks this chick out from work that he's been diggin on for a while, but was just too ugly to muster up the nuts to go for it. So before the date, just in case he is gna get lucky, he wants to rub one out so he can last a little longer, later on. Only he cant seem to cop a chubby, His shit is just like jelly in his hands. His pepper is liquified and he hasto pick Betty up in an hour. Maybe he's just nervous? I mean, he hasn't been laid since he's gone bald. So he gets half way thru his date and Betty starts playing footsie under the table, she's ready to skip the Filet Mignon and get strait to fuckin, so he eagerly obliges. He gets her back to his parents basement and you guessed it!! He cant get the boy up. Betty never talks to him again and a month later he sees this commercial......

Is this some unbelievable shit right here or what? I can't even make stuff like this up. I was just as shocked as every bald bro out there when I saw this commercial. Propecia should fucking die. It should get fucked in the butt and left to die a long slow death. Everyone knows that when a dude goes bald he either A: deals with it via Bic or a combover, becuz he's a cool dude and doesn't need hair to get pussy, or B: freaks the fuck out and gets Rogaine or some other type of Hair Loss Treatment, because he isn't so cool and realies mainly on his looks. So for anybody who uses Propecia, they are most likely trying to get themselves back in the game, not thinking that the same medication they take to give them their swag back, is gna be the same shit that destroys their clout forever.

Limp Dick is something a bro just doesn't recover from. It is no different than when a chicks gash is snappy. Once that rumor gets out, it's over. Nobody wants to be friends with you let alone sleep with your stank ass. With that said, I hope these dudes sue Propecia for everything they have. This is unacceptable.

P.S. Remind me to never use Propecia. I'm gna rock The Comb-over till the wheels fall off!

1 comment:

  1. Your probly as ugly as i imagine you are, Goddy.
