Saturday, February 25, 2012

Racing Towards Freedom

This is one of two cars stickered up with Ron Paul logos that will be racing in Daytona tomorrow. An idea that started about two months ago from Ron Paul supporters. The idea came about threw social media threw some of the hundreds of Ron Paul facebook pages. Never thought I would ever do a Nascar related story but I just thought this was kinda cool and it's definitely a first. Obviously this is a great way to advertise and it's a great example of just how creative and passionate the Congressman's supporters are.


  1. Nope. Still don't care a single little lick about NASCAR. I couldn't even finish that five sentence (estimation) paragraph about cars and stickers and Ron somebody. Don't ever post NASCAR stuff again unless it is to start a debate about whether Danica Patrick is actually attractive (I say she is not attractive except to inbred rednecks who stare at cars and hunting rifles all day).

  2. I say shes kinda hot. If were going on the Czur hotness scale. Which is how many beers would it take. I prob wouldNt need any, only need a beer in my hand to feel cool.
