Monday, February 27, 2012

Losing Liberty Part 1
by: Steve Dobbs

“If tyranny and oppression come to this land it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy….. The loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger real or IMAGINED, from abroad.”

                                                                                        ---James Madison---

Beginning on that fateful day in September of 2001, or not really the beginning but a major acceleration of governmental intrusion into the lives of its citizens occurred.  We as citizens of this great nation were asked to give up our freedom for security.  As president Bush finished his speech to thunderous applause it reminded me of the scene from star wars where Palpatine (a senator in the galactic republic who would later become the dark emperor for those of you unfamiliar with the movies) made a speech before their version of congress.  The gist of the speech was that terror from within borders made it necessary to suspend their Republic in favor of a dictator style government with emergency powers to ensure safety and prosperity.  One senator opposed to the change said,” So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.”  Legislation put in place to secure our borders often infringe upon our liberty.  Bills such as The USAPATRIOT Act and the equally chilling NDAA which was recently passed are but two of many which take away liberty.

The NDAA allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without due process of law.  Lindsay Graham a legislator who is for the bill stated,” The homeland is part of the battlefield and people can be held without trial whether they are an American citizen or not.”  The majority of Americans, myself included are opposed to this type of legislation.  However, it appears that our elected officials are unsympathetic to the will and the voice of the people who have elected them.  We will get back to the NDAA, but first I’d like to take a moment to enlighten the reader to the myriad of bills and executive orders that have been put in place over the decades without the approval of we the people.

In 1962 an executive order  was signed that designated dictatorial powers be given to the president of the united states in the event of a national emergency.  The president would be able to declare a state of emergency during a time of international crisis, economical or financial crises at his discretion. (Please note the constitution does not give any such authority for a president to declare a state of emergency.)

Executive order #10995 seizure of all communication in the U.S.

#10997 seizure of all electric power, fuels, minerals both public and private

#10999 seizure of all means of transportation including personal cars and trucks, total control of highways, seaports, and waterways

#11000 seizure of all American people for work forces under federal supervision to include splitting up of families if the government sees the need

#11001 seizure of all health, education, and welfare facilities both public and private

#11002 empower the postmaster general to register all men, women, and children in the U.S.

#11003 seizure of all airports and aircraft both public and private

#11004 seizure of all housing and forced relocation

#11005 seizure of all railroads and all storage facilities both public and private

#12919 President Clinton signed on June 3, 1994 placing all of the above executive orders into one.

All of the above executive orders as well as the many bills that have been passed into law are designed to undermine the constitution of the U.S.  All members of congress, the military, and the president take an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.  Compare quotes from Abe Lincoln to our current president.

“Don’t interfere with the constitution.  It must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.” –Abraham Lincoln

“The constitution is an imperfect document which has definite flaws…..” Barack Obama

Our founding fathers knew that the constitution and bill of rights were documents designed to safeguard the freedom of the citizens of America.  Meanwhile both republican and democratic presidents such as Bush and Obama have took it upon themselves to undermine the series of checks and balance inherent in the constitutions framework.  There are some proponents of the constitution around the halls of capitol hill.  Men such as Ron Paul (Tx) and Dennis Kucinich (Oh) oppose any legislation that impose upon the freedom of the people.  Unfortunately they are few and far between and each year we citizens watch as our liberties are eroded. 

The NDAA sets a dangerous precedence.  In combination with the homegrown terrorism and violent radicalization act it would be a disaster for civil liberties.  The homegrown terrorism and violent radicalization act would permit the government to label venerated American political activities such as civil disobedience as terrorist acts. 

“We the people are the rightful masters of both the congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution but to overthrow men who pervert the constitution.” –Abraham Lincoln-

It’s time for the American people to take notice of what happens in the halls of congress.  We need to hold our elected representatives accountable for the bills they support and the laws they pass.  In the second part of this article we will look at how legislation is hidden in large bills that are passed through the house and senate without being thoroughly read.  In the third and final part we will uncover the biggest threat and most unconstitutional  sham ever perpetrated against the people of the U.S. (THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT).     


  1. Excellent post Mr.Dobbs! I agree with all of this and as Mr. Kins has said, real change can only happen at the local level. We had a good start to that with the the tea party started by Ron Paul supporters. Then the Neo-conservatives hijacked the movement and now it seems they support the biggest spending Republicans. But asThe good Doctor said "An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government" Once the youth on the left and the youth on the right come together there will be a revolution!!!

  2. Looking forward to your article on the FED. JFK said in a speech 7 days before his assasination " There's a plot inthis country to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before i leave this high and noble office, i intend to expose this plot" Of course this was a speech about his executive order to strip the Federal Reserve of its ability to print and loan money. Of course he was killed but his executive order was never repealed. We need a President to step up and use this Order to END the FED!

    1. Im glad you enjoyed the piece. Yeah the FED one is longer. To go along with JFK here is Woodrow Wilsons ominous quote "Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – Woodrow Wilson
      Also Wilson statedA great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the Nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men... We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.

    2. yep wilson expressed great regret of what he did

    3. Wilson wrote in regret for signing the federal reserve act "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country." As I'm sure you know it goes on in a powerful message of how big of a mistake he made.

    4. actually you already quoted the same thing in your reply. It's amazing the power of the Fed. Ron Paul has pushed for an audit of the Fed for years and he finally got a partial audit. Partial? the Banksters/Mobsters are just way to powerful

    5. Czur i'm glad your on the good side, we definitely need to end the fed. As for the quote i left out the 1st two lines because its disputed wether those 2 lines can be attributed to Wilson. He never said it in a public speech and i can't imagine a politician actually saying he ruined the country. It is found all over the internet but every source i checked never actually had where it came from. Unless it was in his private diary and it was combined with senate documents col.3 no.23 which is where the rest of the quote is purported to have come from, then i couldnt find actually proof he said it. To be truthful i thought he said the whole quote as well up until i was researching this article yesterday. But the quote's meaning is true nonetheless the fu@#er should feel as if he ruined the country.

  3. NDAA is just down right scary. Its nearly identical to what Nazi Germany passed in the mid 1930's. The way they push the Un-patriotic label is very similar to the way the German propaganda machine pushed the trader label on the jews in the 1930's. The scary thing is our politicians arent even hiding it anymore. The administration can assasinate an American citizen without any proof of a crime? wow, the TSA groping people, Patriot Act, NDAA, etc etc

    1. If you get a chance watch Naomi Wolf's documentary the end of america on youtube it may also be listed under from freedom to facism. It shows 10 parallel steps that are occuring between nazi germany and the good old USA

    2. yea i actually had it sent to me in an email a while back its a good documentary. I forget what this other one is called but it talks alot about the IRS FED CIA TSA. i will find it, might be called something like build it they will all come. not sure but i will find out

  4. Goddy here.... This shits too deep for me. Im just gna vote Ron Paul and keep a watchful eye out for a double Rainbow. We hafto do sumthing about the names on these responses. I cant tell who is who. Nice work Dobbler, keep it up, pud.
